this is my bisexual shrine! i made this because being bi is so important to me. i often find that talking about bisexuality online (especially to monosexuals) is difficult; we arent taken as seriously or seen as simply gay/lesbian-lite, which is y'know.... bullshit LMAO

i hope to use this little corner of my website to be as annoying and unashamed as possible about my sexuality! and hopefully educate a few others in the process... :)

if you are currently questioning whether or not youre bi, take your time! being bisexual is perfectly okay and a wonderful thing, but in the end it's up to you to decide what label you wish to use on yourself

ive identified as bisexual since i was like ... 12? ive known before than that i might not have been le hetero but i didnt know a damn thing about labels at the time. now im proudly n loudly bisexual!

And the third section. If three isn't enough, you can just add a new ID with no sweat. No CSS needed unless wanted.